New Fantastic Racing Scooter S1-X Speeds at 100 km/h

In 2020, the eSkootr Championship (eSC) project was launched. It marked the world’s first series of urban mobile vehicle races. The first competition will be held between 30 participants. They will use a specially designed device – the Racing Scooter S1-X.

The development of the S1-X scooter was carried out by the Italian companies YCOM and eSC, which at one time collaborated on the design of a high-speed Volkswagen car for participation in the international races to climb Mount Pice Peak, located in the United States (Colorado).

The new S1-X has a compact, aerodynamically shaped, lightweight chassis. It is made from carbon fiber and reinforced with aluminum inserts required for the suspension components. Two electric motors (rear and front) have a power of 6 kW. Autonomous operation of the device is provided by a 1.5 kWh battery. It is designed and manufactured by Williams Advanced Engineering. The scooter weighs only 35 kg.

The torque transmission design provides the S1-X with increased driving stability. It is optained by optimizing the power balance between the front and rear wheels. Riders must undergo special training to be able to fully utilize the power of the S1-X scooter and reach a speed of 100 km/h.

However, there is also a short-term transition to the increased power mode, which increases acceleration by 20% compared to the nominal value. To date, 16 riders have already tested the S1-X scooter for the first time in preparation for the first eSkootr Championship.