Solar-Powered Plane Impulse 2

A huge solar-powered plane Impulse 2 that does not need to land has been created in Switzerland. However, it is still difficult to call a colossus soaring in the sky an airplane. The fact is that according to the project, Solar Impulse 2 will not have a single person on board.

The fact is that the machine is needed primarily to engage in cartography. It’s not even for intelligence purposes.

But in fact, the aircraft was created in order to predict natural disasters, as well as carry out communication functions.

The device itself was created by the Swiss Bertrand Pickart and Bertrand Borshberg. The aircraft has a wingspan comparable to that of a Boeing 747 and has over 17,000 solar panels on board.

Its design has been acquired by the American-Spanish startup Skydweller Aero. The company plans to turn Impulse 2 into an autonomous unmanned vehicle that will perform functions similar to those of an orbiting satellite.

At the same time, the aircraft does not use any exhaustible resources and is somewhat reminiscent of a classic airship in flight.

If you think about it, this technology can lead to refusing aero fuel in the future. This will significantly reduce humankind’s need to use oil.

In this way, you will be able to please the environment. However, despite all of this, solar panels’ energy on the plane will not be enough to transport goods and large numbers of people over long distances. Therefore, Impulse 2 will serve a good purpose, helping to extinguish fires, and minimizing the effects of hurricanes and even floods.