World’s First Self-Driving E-Bike TQi

Developers of modern vehicles include the autopilot as one of the mandatory functions of their devices increasingly often. However, this opportunity has been provided for cars and future flying taxis. At CES 2020, members of the Mavericks Electric company presented an original basic vehicle – an electric motorbike TQi with three wheels and an autopilot.

An unusual motorbike is driven by two electric motors, and the battery system guarantees an autonomic ride covering the distance of up to 200 kilometers at the top speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The TQi motorbike control system is equipped with the adaptive cruise control and automatic parking system. Radar and sensor systems provide 360-degree tracking. Autonomous control belongs to the second-class autopilot, which provides for the operation of the system under the user’s care.

Constant stability of the structure is ensured by a special balance system. It can control the motorcycle angle in real time. Moreover, it controls telescopic, anti-dumping and active return of the front wheel.

The safety of the pilot is ensured by the presence of an SRS airbag, the presence of an ABS braking system and traction control. The price of the new electric motorbike has not been announced yet. But the release of TQi may already begin in the third quarter of this year.