World’s First Connected Gaming Chair Arcadeo

Even after its closure, CES 2020 provides more and more information about original products from the world of high technology. Deep immersion in the gameplay can be provided by a gaming chair of the Arcadeo French startup. The product is equipped with a feedback system. Control is carried out using a 16-core processor, and a special backlight increases the realistic nature of the gameplay.

The exterior design of the Arcadeo bears practically no difference from the standard chairs for gamers. However, 10 vibromotors are hidden inside the device. They set in motion individual elements of the chair, providing feedback during the game or a journey into virtual reality. It is noteworthy that the chair’s sphere of application is not limited to games. The device has gained compatibility with some platforms, which demonstrate movies and TV shows, providing real-time feedback to events on the screen.

The Arcadeo chair workflow is controlled by a 16-core processor, the technical characteristics of which have not been disclosed. USB Type-C connection is used to connect the chair with a computer or a game console, and the LED backlight integrated into the back of the chair provides greater realism to the process.

The user will be able to control and tune each of 10 vibromotors, using a special application on the smartphone. The chair will be commercially available by the end of 2020 at an estimated price of $800.