Samsung Comes up with 3 Robots at CES 2019: Bot Care, Bot Air, Bot Retail

Samsung Corporation showed its vision of using artificial intelligence in the so-called “future of connected existence” at CES 2019. The official health-care platform was also demonstrated.

Samsung’s Bot Care is designed to help users every day, especially the elderly people. Fortunately, the possibilities shown in the demonstration already allow this. The robot asked a Samsung employee to put a finger on the sensor under the screen. Then it measured and voiced the person’s pulse and pressure. Bot Care also reported that both indicators were not normal. According to the developers, the novelty is able to follow sleep cycles, select anti-stress music therapy, and call emergency services. Also, the robot monitors medication intake recommends useful exercises and compiles daily reports on the state of health.

The second robot is nothing but an intelligent air purifier. Sensors installed in the apartment will inform it about the quality of air in a certain part of the house. If the quality of air deteriorates, Bot Air will start filtering it.

Bot Retail is more focused on restaurants. The robot will help you choose a dish from the menu based on its appearance and ingredients, take into account your preferences, bring the ordered dish, and transport the dirty plates back to the kitchen. Also, the robot waiter will be able to accept cashless payments via NFC.