“Green Air” Conditioner to Spray Fine Mist during Olympic Games 2020 to Cool Tokyo

The University of Tokyo, Panasonic Corporation and Tokai University have co-developed devices that can cool people in the heat. Spraying the smallest particles of water, the devices produce a kind of cool “misty shower“. These gadgets are expected to be installed in Tokyo before Olympic Games 2020 at the competition sites and bus stops.

The diameter of the cool air funnel created in front of the sprayer is 2 meters. The size of water particles is about 10 nanometers. Professor of the University of Tokyo Ryozo Uka commented on the development. According to him, visitors are expected to spend time at bus stops and sports venues with full comfort in hot weather.

The invention was tested last year. In accordance with the results, such conditioners can lower the temperature of the body surface by 1 degree. This year, the devices have already been tested on one hundred people in one of Tokyo’s universities. The representatives of Panasonic should announce the results of their research and tell about the future of the project.