Elon Musk and Neuralink Come up with a Neurointerface

Learning to control the world through the power of thought is one of the most ancient desires of a human being repeatedly mentioned in fairy tales, myths and science fiction novels. Tireless enthusiast Elon Musk, who seems truly “born to make bold dreams come true,” has made quite an effort in this industry. Recently, he has demonstrated a finished prototype of a device created at his Neuralink company, which allows you to control the power of thought with a computer.

The announced device consists of a processor and 1,500 electrodes that are implanted in the brain in the immediate vicinity of synapses and neurons. The thickness of these electrodes is 4 times thinner than human hair (4-6 micrometers), while a special robotic system is responsible for their placement. The electrodes read electromagnetic waves of the brain and transmit them to a headphone connected to the computer.

According to Musk, the experimenters have already carried out real tests using Neuralink connected to the brain of rats and monkeys. The primates were even able to control the computer, however, Musk did not unveil any details about the tests. As soon as in 2020, the experiments with human participation are going to be carried out.