Cubic Motion: Real-Time Facial Animation

Using integration of a computer-generated image (CGI) with motion capture technology will allow a person to control an animated hero in real time. The technology was developed by the Cubic Motion company and is based on a combination of capabilities of high-speed cameras with a computer vision algorithm.

As a rule, to transform the actor’s movements, special costumes with sensor markers installed on them are used. This technique has two significant drawbacks: further processing of the resulting video is required, and it is impossible to place markers on some parts of the body that are most significant for facial expressions, for example, the eyes or the mouth.

The essence of the technology suggested by Cubic Motion is to use the camera placed directly in front of the actor’s face and mounted on a special helmet. Using computer vision and avoiding the use of markers, it became possible to capture the slightest change in the facial expressions of a human face.

The most important advantage of the proposed technology is the ability to transform human movements into animation in real time. Such an opportunity was demonstrated during the presentation of the invention, when the animated character addressed the people present in the hall in Los Angeles. At the same time, the avatar was controlled by the actor located in Manchester.

The developers said that the technology would be used to “humanize” the characters of computer games. To implement this function, special Persona software was developed, which will be leased to computer studios.

Cubic Motion plans to develop individual devices that will allow players to create their own “avatars”.

The innovation can be widely used in education, robotics and medicine.