Bill Gates Reveals top 10 Leading Technologies of 2019

Predicting things, in the long run, is incredibly difficult. But according to experts, adequate assumptions can be made for the foreseeable future by analyzing the most relevant technologies. The basis of such predictions is a sober calculation and an excellent knowledge of the state, needs and possible prospects of the current market. MIT Technology Review has recently attracted Bill Gates to discussing this topic, asking him to evaluate how the world will evolve this year. Being a good expert in his field, Gates identified the ten most important areas.

Its list can be divided into three basic categories: climate, medicine, and artificial intelligence. Some of the technologies mentioned by Gates are still being developed, the rest are being implemented or have already been launched.

He highlighted the development of energy with a focus on new nuclear technologies, the latest dexterous robots, diagnostics and treatment of diseases with tiny intestinal probes, methods for eliminating preterm labor, intelligent customized vaccination against cancer, carbon dioxide absorption technology, synthetic meat, smart bracelets and watches with an ECG reading function, as well as toilet rooms without sewage. The expert also noted the prospect of the next stage of developing voice assistants. There is an assumption that he may be hinting at some of Microsoft developments.

Not so much time is left until the end of the year when we can check whether Gates was right. However, many tend to trust him now.