Ads to Be Seen from the Space

Advertising is acquiring more and more sophisticated forms. In the near future, thanks to the efforts of the Russian company Avant Space, it will be seen from the space. The Skolkovo resident company conducted the first tests of an advertising system using laser installations installed on satellites. Testing was carried out in the stratosphere at the altitude of 30 kilometers.

The laser facility was launched into the stratosphere to confirm the design power of light sources in space. This was stated in the official press release. Artificial satellites, equipped with laser installations, will become a new word in the advertising business as conceived by the authors of the project. The constellation of satellites created by Avant Space will rival the brightness of Venus in the starry sky.

The technical feature of the project is the ability to work with the target audience: the satellites will “turn on the light” only during the flight over large cities.

A mobile application will be created to track the location of the advertising constellation Avant Space, and the Auriga CubeSat microsatellites will be used as satellites. The project is under development and the date of the final goal has not been announced yet.

Avant Space says laser-based space advertisements are much more environmentally friendly than many plastic-based terrestrial banners. Therefore, the company expects that the first customer for their services will be the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).