Oppo Smartphone MeshTalk Needs No Cellular, Bluetooth or WiFi Connections

Modern communication systems can work unstable during mass events or in remote areas. One way out of this situation is to use the MeshTalk technology, which creates a local decentralized network between the owners of Oppo smartphones

Oppo gadgets use energy-efficient end-to-end encryption and build a local network in which the distance between the nodes does not exceed 3 km. If necessary, the signal can be amplified by means of special devices (repeaters). Communication is carried out directly between the users’ devices in the same way as communication with the use of radio stations. Using the MeshTalk technology, the owner of the OPPO device can be in the standby mode for up to 72 hours, which will ensure reliable communication in the area with poor coverage or in the places where the mobile network is often overloaded (at concerts, at the airport or at the train station). You will not need to use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth wireless technology.

It is not known which Oppo models MeshTalk technology will be compatible with and when it will be launched in serial devices.