Google Self-Driving Vehicles

Driverless cars has definitely become an ascending issue lately, and there are good reasons for that: the idea is captivating for people’s minds as an inherent feature of a future city, it is supposed to relieve the excesses of city traffic and therefore lessen the possibility of road accidents, and, finally, they will be a sort of a Godsend to disabled people who are incapable of driving on their own, especially to the blind.

One of the captivated minds belong to Google who are bent on turning out self-driving vehicles and make them universal, which is quite a tall order for the time being; so far only tree states have approved of Google’s creations, California, Florida and Nevada, but it’s only the beginning of the long road.

The first harbingers of Google’s were gazillion sensors equipped models of the Toyota Prius and Lexus RX450h. But there’s no way Google will stop at that, reports Jessica Lessin, a former Wall Street Journal journalist who is currently writing about new technologies. Self-driving cars is the company’s ultimate goal.

According to the information on the website, Google’s attempts to secure a partnership with one of the major car manufacturers have come to naught – consequently, it will start designing a robot-driven car without outside assistance.

This idea may well extend into a project of a robotic taxi fleet set up by Google when the car has been produced, Lessin writes. The far-reaching project that is now under consideration implies a fleet of city taxis that “would pick up passengers and work commuters on demand, according to people familiar with the matter.” The aim of the project is to significantly decrease the quantity of privately owned cars as people will begin to rely more heavily on robo-taxi service.

Further Lessin hints that the project may be too onerous for Google to take on, car technology being a virgin ground for the company; yet there are speculations to the effect that Google is negotiating a partnership with Continental, a major car parts supplier, with a view of designing a “self-driving car system.” It is a possible sign that a car is well on the way. So far Google hasn’t shirked great projects, no shortage of talent is in evidence, let’s assume the drive to present us with driverless cars is strong, and more news about it will be forthcoming soon.


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