Apple Car Concept

According to many rumors, Apple Inc. is working to create their own electric vehicle, which will be a worthy competitor of Tesla Motors products. Very little is known about the project. Being loyal to their best traditions, the company does not give any comments on Apple Car, but we know that the development is called “Titan” and has involved hundreds of engineers, some of whom are former employees of Tesla Motors.


The announcement of Apple’s electric car is not expected before 2019-2020, and Apple Car prototype has not been seen by anyone yet. Designer Luca Wrede tried to bring together all the available information on the development to present his vision of the Titan electric car. According to the concept, the car will receive a massive modern carbon fiber bodywork, an OSCar autonomous control system, integration with Apple Watch and iPhone, Apple Maps, Safari, Siri and other specially designed proprietary applications, a fully touch-sensitive dashboard system, an autopilot system, and other innovations.