Airbus A3 Vahana eVTOL Makes a Flight Test

About three years ago, Airbus engineers began developing an aircraft as part of the Vahana project. Last year, the company tested its first sample, Alpha One. The prototype tests have been carried out for several years. The 50th test showed that the device can fly over long distances.

It is likely that helicopters will become obsolete over time. They will be replaced by devices with a similar design. It took the developers 5 years to test another prototype, Alpha Two, at the site, located in Oregon.

Each flight lasted at least seven minutes. The device accelerated to 97 kilometers per hour. During the flights, it collected information from the sensors, which will be used to correct current problems in the next Vahana models.

A video appeared on the network, showing how easily the device takes off to the height of about 64 meters. Taking off vertically, the machine leans forward. Then, while flying, it changes the angle by 30 degrees. Due to this, it develops a speed of 57 kilometers per hour. Accelerating, the device can perform any basic maneuvers.

This aircraft seems quite flexible, safe and versatile. Experts believe that devices like Airbus Vahana will be the best vehicle for medium distances.