World’s First Virtual Reality Contact Lenses

The world’s first contact lenses with a flexible source of energy performing the augmented reality function drew the attention of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The French invention not only improves vision but also transmits visual information via a wireless network.

The lens has a miniature flexible self-contained power source. Its developers from IMT Atlantique claim that the charge lasts for several hours of active work. French engineers suggested using lenses with augmented reality in medicine and industry, but the military sector was also interested in the novelty.

It turns out that in 2012 the Innovega company (USA), together with DARPA, began to develop contact lenses that can project an enhanced and augmented image onto the inner surface of standard glasses. Three years later, the American military financed another idea – the creation of a contact lens with a built-in zoom. The project was conducted by researchers from Switzerland.

Practice shows that the US Army is interested in the development of technologies of augmented reality. Therefore, the French development could not go unnoticed by DARPA.