World’s First Flying Taxi to Start This Summer

This summer, the first flying taxi drones will be launched. The tests will be held in Dubai. If the experiment succeeds, the German company intends to promote its amazing creation around the world to once and for all solve problems with road congestion.

Despite the fact that road vehicles are becoming more and more perfect with every year – cars are more environmentally friendly, and trains are quieter and faster – this in no way contributes to solving such a problem of large cities as traffic jams and congestion. Meanwhile, enthusiasts, dreamers, and futurists keep saying that in future people will fly in the cities.

The first private (and affordable) airplanes were created by people in the middle of the 20th century. Despite all the enthusiasm, the planes were not very successful mainly because of the imperfection of technology at that time. In the 21st century, in the nearest future, the idea of individual aircraft could change completely.

Today, there are several more or less successful concepts of flying taxis. Several years ago, the German e-volo design company presented its own project in this field. The aircraft was immediately classified as “flying taxi” and was called Volocopter. Over the years, the car has been substantially improved, resulting in a model with the unpretentious name Volocopter 2.

Nowadays, Volocopter 2 is almost completely ready. The tests of the device should begin this year. So, what is remarkable about flying taxi? Firstly, the device will run on an electric motor. It uses 18 rotors at once. It will be powered by 9 batteries. Secondly, the car can lift up to two adults. Both will be located in the cabin, in comfortable seats. Third, Volocopter 2 will not have a pilot. The vehicle will be fully automatic. Fourthly, the device will carry out some commands of passengers, for example, it will be able to halt in the same place.

At the moment, e-volo is experiencing some difficulties with the certification of its vehicle in Europe. However, the project has already aroused interest in Dubai, and perhaps the first flight will take place there. According to the preliminary data, it will be held in June 2017. The first flights will be controlled by pilots.