Virtual Reality Helps Surgeons Practice

Modern educational institutions use technical progress all the way to prepare professionals in their field. So, the use of simulators in universities is already a fixed practice. They help future professionals hone their skills with the help of virtual reality.

Surgeons are extremely interested in such devices to practice surgeries, and it is more humane to entrust the students with a virtual body.

An English startup, FundamentalVR, offered its budget simulator. The device, released on August 14, consists of an HTC Vive (helmet of virtual reality) and two manipulators to simulate surgical instruments.

The new simulator allows you to take into account the force of pressure on the instruments with the help of realistic tactile feedback. The company uploaded an ad on YouTube that demonstrates the simulated process of hip replacement.


Of course, this is not the first device of the kind, but its main difference is the price. While simulators were sold for about $100,000 and their maintenance cost $ 25,000 dollars a year, FundamentalVR released a simulator for $ 7,500 dollars, the maintenance of which will cost only about 200 dollars a year. The founder of the startup, Richard Vincent, claims they have already received a number of large orders.