The Journalist Robot Writes an Article in Just One Second

Chinese journalist robot named Xiao Nan wrote his first news article that the local Southern Metropolis Daily newspaper did not hesitate to publish. The article consists of 300 hieroglyphic characters and contains a coherent text on traffic problems in the region caused by preparing for the celebration of Chinese New Year. But the main intrigue is that the journalist robot coped with the editor’s task in just 1 second.

Xiao Nan is the brainchild of Chinese developers from Guangzhou. The head of the team of scientists, Professor Wang Xiaoyun, said that the machine is able to write small newspaper sketches and detailed articles. The journalist robot is able to quickly analyze the entire volume of the data provided and does not need to waste time typing. However, Xiao Nan cannot substitute for real journalists at the moment.

The robot is unable to write interviews, reports, and suggestive talks with additional questions. Besides, the computer correspondent has not been trained to set the tone of the material, which is typical of any human writer. Anyway, robots like Xiao Nan can become a great helper: they can deal with collecting information for future articles, writing simple news articles and reports. In particular, the Chinese Southern Metropolis Daily newspaper is planning to continue using the journalist robot.