Google Goes Beyond Privacy Borders?

The representatives of Google say they have the right to analyze the users’ correspondence in the Gmail service, claiming that the action is a part of the process.

This means that the company can study the people’s letters on their own. Google explains the invasion of personal mailboxes by the need to assess its content, the aim of which is to filter spam, identify the subject of further promotional mailing, halt the spread of malware, etc.

Google outlined its position in the format of a letter sent to the district court in San Jose (Northern California, United States). The company informed the court about its disagreement with the charge of breaking the inviolability of privacy rights. During the trial, Google Inc., which is going to act as a defendant, is going to refute the charges brought against it. The authors of the filed claim include a few users of the Gmail service, which is owned by Google. The complaints of the Google mail customers consist in the invasion of privacy by means of automated analysis of the contents of their personal correspondence.

In its turn, Google focuses on the fact that the users of the service give consent to the robot-processing of their mail, accepting the terms of using the service. The court proceeding will take place on September 5.


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