Astronaut Smart Glove by Ntention

Colonization of the Moon and Mars, that are closest to Earth, is approaching, and the engineers and scientists have been given the real task of providing the first settlers with effective and reliable robot and drones control systems. Numerous mechanical assistants will carry out the main work on adjusting the new planets to human life, but being in heavy spacesuits makes controlling high-precision devices quite problematic.

One of the solutions to the creation of control systems for high-precision robots and drones could be the Astronaut Smart Glove, developed by Ntention startup engineers, which was founded by the representatives of the Norwegian University of Natural and Technical Sciences and NASA experts. The new device is designed to be integrated into a spacesuit from Collins Aerospace.

The glove based on touch control responds to any, even the smallest, manipulations of the astronaut’s fingers, while the software transforms various gestures into specific commands, which are then transmitted to the drone control system. The reaction of mechanical assistants can be quickly adjusted by an astronaut to perform specific tasks. Control of the drone’s movement is carried out using a camera mounted on the UAV, the picture from which is transmitted to the AR-glasses, also built into the spacesuit.

The Ntention startup glove was tested this summer when the ASG prototype was tested at the NASA Haughton – Mars field research station dedicated to preparing an expedition to Mars. The field base of the Haughton – Mars project is located near the Hofton impact crater on the uninhabited Devon island in the Canadian Arctic, where the temperature is most suitable for the weather conditions of Mars.

According to NASA experts, tests have shown the high efficiency of drone control systems. The glove integrated in the spacesuit and the AR glasses provide the astronaut with the ability to quickly and easily control drones. NASA experts noted that the Ntention glove is like magic, and the interaction of humans and robots is highly efficient and intuitive.

The next stage in the development of the glove’s capabilities will be the assignment of functions that allow controlling rovers that will move along the surface of the Moon and Mars. Besides, the glove will help astronauts control other space robots.

You can also use the Ntention smart glove in terrestrial conditions when controlling industrial robots, manipulators at a construction site, or even when creating musical pieces.