Smarty Ring for Managing Smartphones

The idea of uniting the smartphones, growing in size, with compact and convenient gadgets haunts many inventors. For this reason, we have seen a lot of various smarty watches, but they have not been comfortable. The new fashion trend is a smarty ring.

One of the first devices of this kind is Smarty Ring, which has gathered at indiegogo the sum 7 times greater than needed to start its production. This ring has the necessary control elements, combines the majority of smartphone features and a LED-display, which informs about the calls, SMS, news from social networks, etc. Smarty Ring is connected to your phone by Bluetooth 4.0 and uses this protocol to warn about its possible loss or theft.

The novelty is made of medical grade stainless steel and has a universal design, which is suitable for both men and women. Its width is 13 mm, and it is 4 mm thick. The battery provides 24 hours of operation, after which it can be recharged using the wireless induction charger. Smarty Ring should appear on sale in April next year at about the price of $550.


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