Futuristic Smartphone Concept Alo

How much will the design and functions of a smartphone change in, say, 10 years? Designer Philippe Starck, known for his unconventional ideas, and Jerome Olivier have presented their vision of Alo, the so-called “tube of future” in an ergonomic sleek transparent body.

According to the creators of Alo, smartphones will not require displays any more, as the interface will be displayed via a 3D-projector, creating holographic images in the air. The device will be based on the advanced artificial intelligence and managed only via voice control. Any additional control in the form of buttons, connectors, and other things will not be provided. There may, however, be a camera eye to recognize faces and read from lips what the user wants to do. It won’t be necessary to look for contacts or write messages – the smartphone will do everything on its own. Any feedback to the owner will be carried out by means of vibration and temperature changes.

Despite the fact that Alo is just a concept, designers are planning to release a smartphone prototype with the help of the French Thomson company.