Five Smart Phone Innovations of the New Year

As 2019 becomes a reality, so will various new technological innovations. Some are things people have been waiting for, and others will be the things you didn’t know you wanted. However one looks at it, 2019 will be a year of innovation and advancement, pushing the limits of human ingenuity and ability. The next year will be exciting for sure, but let’s take a look into what’s in store.

5G Mobile Network

People across the world are excited for 5G, the fifth generation mobile network, not only because it will make our connections faster and expanding our capabilities, there will be many advancements that are facilitated by this upgrade. First, you will be able to download large files much faster and use multiple applications at once seamlessly. This new speed will not just be for downloading movies and surfing the web, it will make technologies such as automated cars, holograms, and both augmented and virtual reality, well, an everyday reality. Mobile networks have come a long way since the first generation, which was only capable of carrying analog voice audio. 5G, according to a specialist at MoneyPug, a popular site used in the United Kingdom to compare mobile contracts, will run at a rate of 1 GB a second. This is a conservative estimate, others put it at 10 GB.

Screen Display Fingerprint Sensors

It hasn’t been very long since tech companies such as Apple and Samsung unveiled fingerprint technology on the home buttons of their mobile devices. Soon it won’t even be restricted to the button, we will have fingerprint sensors on the screen itself. Except it wasn’t either company that got it first. China’s Vivo has revealed their finger print technology. The mechanics are the same, you can use your fingerprint as an extra layer of security for authenticating payments and unlocking your device, but it uses a synaptic optical sensor, which Vivo has been developing for years. Working by peering through pixel gaps in the OLED display, it scans your unique fingerprint. The first users say it is a bit slower than the button fingerprint sensors we have now, but that it makes it feel more palatable, more secure.

Folding Devices

Although it may take a while for them to become inexpensive and perfected, folding phones will be on the market at some point in 2019. Samsung has already revealed a prototype. Huawei is right behind them, with CEO Richard CEO saying that the launch of a foldable phone will be unveiled next year. Other companies are keeping quiet, but there is no reason Apple and LG wouldn’t be working on similar technologies to compete on the market. The new phones will have a larger screen, providing a tablet-like experience in a pocket-friendly device. In addition, these devices won’t have a hinge, they will have screens that actually bend and fold.

Multiple Camera Lenses

While phone cameras have approached professional quality, another development will make them even better—multiple lenses. The paucity has improved year by year, but the lenses are a place where there is still room for improvement. There are already phones with two, three, and four lenses, but LG was spotted patenting a phone that will have 16. These new multi-lens camera phones will add feature like optical zoom, background smoothing, improved HDR reproduction, anti-shake technology, and will make up for the overall lack of depth in current smartphone camera technology. There may even be a variety of 3D and motion effects.

Artificial Intelligence

Most of these developments are exciting, but perhaps the most exciting is the expansion of artificial intelligence in phones. While most of the high-end processor chips have dedicated AI calculations, features like telling a face or voice from others will be greatly improved upon. A phone won’t have to upload these recognition abilities to the cloud, you will instead get results quicker with the device responding instantly. This will mean augmented reality through your phone’s camera. This is just the beginning. There is truly no telling where the software of Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, and others will go. The AI innovations in 2019 will lead us to a brave new world, one that nobody can accurately predict.