Cat-English Translator MeowTalk

From now on, cat owners can even more effectively establish communication with furry pets using the MeowTalk mobile application, which translates meows into human-readable language. The application was created by one of the former Amazon Alexa assistant developers Javier Sánchez, now employed at Akvelon.

To understand the feline phraseology, the engineers were helped by Sanchez’s cat named Mittens, who provided the developers with feline phrases that signal various desires of the animal. Currently, the MeowTalk application has implemented processing and translation of the 9 most frequently used phrases by cats, signaling to a pet’s needs or mood.

As a result of “testing” the application on Mittens, its owner now assures that he knows when the animal is hungry or when it wants to be released onto the street. The translation of 9 feline phrases into a human-understandable language is carried out using the machine learning capabilities. The translation of such feline statements as “I am angry”, “I am hungry” or “I am sick” is available.

Taking into account the individual character of cats meowing, the developers have introduced the ability to personalize individual animals. According to the developers, such a condition will help to create your own “vocabulary” for a particular cat. Using an individual dictionary for each cat, the app will translate its statements and recognize the animal.

Currently, the beta version of the MeowTalk application can be downloaded for free by the users of devices on Android and iOS. However, you will have to pay $1 for full access to all the means of communication with a cat.