Lenovo Glasses T1

For several months now, there has been active talk on the web about the first Apple’s VR/AR helmet. Allegedly, the company is preparing to launch new items at the beginning of 2023. As you know, the leader’s position is never empty. Lenovo decided to get ahead by announcing its AR glasses, which, among other things, will be compatible with iPhone and Mac computers.

The novelty hasn’t got a special name – Lenovo T1. At the same time, from the point of view of design or technological discoveries, there is also nothing revolutionary in it.

In general, the company itself positions the device as a “personal mobile display solution.” There is logic in this move – glasses are not helpless if they are not connected to any external device.

T1 received two MicroOLED panels with FullHD resolution each and a refresh rate of only 60 Hz. Our colleagues from ArsTechnica even tested the device and said that, in general, the device is not bad, but there are problems with control – sometimes, it can seem uncomfortable.

Currently, there is no exact price for the device, but Lenovo said that it would be sold for less than $500. The start of sales is scheduled for the end of 2022.