Always Home Cam by Ring: Indoor Flying Security Camera

The development of information technology makes it possible to secure a modern home using numerous video cameras that transmit information to the users’ mobile gadgets. However, it is not always convenient and not always cheap to install a huge number of tracking cameras in the house. The new Always Home Cam from Ring, an Amazon company, will help solve this problem. A flying video camera created by the company will be able to patrol the premises in an automatic mode, periodically returning to the station to replenish energy.

The camera is mounted on a compact unmanned aerial vehicle, which is placed on a docking station during the rest period to replenish energy. In a recharge mode, the camera cannot take pictures as its view is blocked by the docking station. The developers say the idea behind the Always Home Cam is to provide multiple vantage points throughout the home without requiring multiple cameras.

During the first launch of the Always Home Cam device, the camera maps the dwelling. Then the owner sets the parameters for patrolling the apartment. At the same time, the drone is also able to respond to an alarm and instantly fly to the place of violating the protected perimeter to take pictures of the intruder.

Always Home Cam is completely autonomous and captures the surrounding world only during the flight. The drone’s blades are shielded to protect furniture, pets or humans from damage in case of a collision.

The novelty is estimated at $250 and will be extremely useful for people who constantly forget to turn off the iron, light or close windows. In the event of an emergency situation, Always Home Cam sends a signal to the owner’s smartphone with the broadcast of the image. The devices will go on sale next year.