Toyota Comes up with an H2O Truck

Toyota has created the first ever truck, capable of running on hydrogen fuel. The new invention turned out no worse than the diesel samples. Moreover, the representatives of the manufacturing company intend to significantly improve the current model.

Toyota continues showing great interest in the development, creation, and promotion of cars operating on hydrogen fuel. In 2013, amid the growing obsession with electric cars, the company has shown their own Toyota Mirai powered by hydrogen. We will remind you that the car is a hybrid.

The company then decided to apply the same technology to heavy trucks. They did it on one of the trucks running on a diesel engine. The diesel engine was replaced by a hybrid one, able to work on hydrogen fuel. The construction details have not been disclosed for obvious reasons, however, the representatives of Toyota said that the new project uses an adapted version of the Mirai engine.

It is noteworthy that the project was taken on by Toyota Motor North America, and its main partners are the units of Long Beach and Los Angeles. The project is also supported by such organizations as the California air Resources Board and California Energy Commission. In other words, not only private companies but also governmental bodies in the US are interested in creating eco-friendly trucks.

The logical question is: “Will the new engine affect the performance of a heavy truck?”. Commenting on this, the representatives of Toyota said that maintaining high performance remains one of the key issues. However, the first tests showed that, after engine replacement, the truck will still be able to cope with the previous load of 36 tons. Of course, Toyota wants to improve this result.

It is known that the modified Mirai electric motor produces over 670 horsepower and about 1,750 Nm of torque. The trip distance with maximum hydrogen refueling is 322 km. The trucks also use the improved 12 kW battery, which ensures the operation of the heavy duty motor.