The Backpack Helicopter Airvinci

In the foreseeable future, aircrafts may become as popular and accessible as cars, scooters and motorcycles. Today, it sounds quite hard to believe, but such developments as Airvinci make it possible.

The market of individual aircrafts is growing rapidly in the past few years. Although even financially prosperous people can hardly afford their own aircraft today, in the foreseeable future the situation may change dramatically because of just such vehicles as Airvinci.


What is Airvinci? In fact, it is a very specific individual helicopter. The vehicle is designed just for one person, but this is the main trick. The secret is that Airvinci is a real holiday of universality. Eventually, everything seeks being versatile nowadays, and transport is no exception. In its basic version, Airvinci is the vehicle to travel by air. In its further modification, it is a full-size multi-purpose UAV.


The pilot, who will use Airvinci, will be placed in a sitting position. In this respect, the vehicle is very much like the prototype of a jetpack. It should be noted that such vehicles have already appeared before. The individual helicopter is powered by a 28 horsepower engine. The rotor measurement reaches 2.1 meters.

Airvinci will travel for about 120 km, and its top altitude will be 3800 meters. However, it is not reported how long Airvinci can fly in the air. The vehicle will be launched in 2017.