Tesla to Launch a Budget Electric Car Model 3

The number of electric cars is growing on the market, but a significant part of them is not accessible to the average motorist. Tesla Company decided to correct this unfortunate mistake and is preparing to release its first budget electric car.

Oddly enough, more and more automobile companies have been developing and promoting electric cars in the past two years. Not so long ago, Tesla prototypes were the most famous ones in this respect, and today you can hardly find a lazy company without at least a few concepts. However, we are going to discuss Tesla cars, which, among other things, are known for their incredible price.

All the previous Tesla models of electric cars were far from the average consumer market. This trend has expected to break with the tradition and present the new Tesla Model 3, which has been shown recently. The first thing that qualitatively distinguishes the electric car from its predecessors is its price. It already seems quite possible to give $33,500 for such a car. Of course, we are talking about a completely new car.


Tesla Model 3 is already available for pre-order. Prior to the announcement, 115 thousand people benefited from the service. After the announcement, another 180 thousand people followed on the same day. Depending on the equipment, the car will cost 33,500-42,000 dollars. In order to make a reservation, you need to pay $1,000. The car will appear on the market in 2017.


It is worth noting that the “budget” sample of the electric car will not be as powerful and productive as its predecessors. It was announced that the full battery charge will allow driving for 324 km on the highway. The cruising speed of the automobile will be 96 km/h. The car will accommodate up to five people inside. The creators of Tesla Model 3 did not save money on the cabin. The driver and passengers will be presented with a modern information and entertainment center, heated seats and much more.