Solar Chargeable Electric Skateboard YoungBoard

Air pollution and traffic jams have long been the cause of looking for an alternative means of transportation. The modern trend is the development of electric vehicles. They, as many believe, should be the solution in future.


The team of Center Young GmbH has gone even further and developed an electric skateboard with solar batteries for personal use. YoungBoard is made from maple, bamboo and carbon fiber.


In order to move, it uses an electric drive and a lithium-polymer battery. The charge of the battery is enough for a 16-kilometer route. Restoration of the power supply is carried out due to the solar panels, integrated into the surface of the skateboard.

To fully charge the battery, one needs 4 hours of time on a clear day. The maximum speed you can reach is 30 km/h. YoungBoard is equipped with an electric brake, as well as a USB-cable to charge a smartphone or a tablet. The price of this electric skateboard with solar panels on Kickstarter is €499.