Parking Robot Stan

One of the most tedious, time- and nerve-consuming procedures – parking a car – can now be done with the help of robots. French company Stanley Robotics developed a robot that is able to park a client’s vehicle. This service will help to save the time and most importantly — to protect from the stress associated with selecting a parking space and the parking process itself.

The technology of automated parking with the help of the Stan robot goes like this. The car is driven into a special box and left there, even without the keys in the ignition. Then the driver confirms the desire to leave the vehicle indicating the time of the parking. Stan, equipped with a lift, transports the car to a guarded parking lot, lifting it above the ground. At the stated time, Stan will serve the car to the outskirts of the parking lot. To speed up the processing of orders and depending on the size of the parking lot, several independent robots can work together.

Stanley Robotics, established in 2015, is actively engaged in the implementation of large investment projects for automated parking. The Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport has already conducted successful tests of the system. Stan the robot is fully electrified and will be able to park and return up to 30 thousand cars per year independently. In addition, an automatic parking lot considerably saves space, as the cars can be set close to each other, without having to open the doors.