Lazareth Mini Moke Amphibious: Car & Boat in One

Amphibious cars are not the most popular kind of transportation. In order to improve this situation, French designers have decided to bring back to the market the once popular beach car that is capable of moving not only by land but also by water, taking up to two people on board at a time.

Today, it will be very difficult to meet an amphibious car in the broad consumer market. Of course, inventors and designers come up with pleasant exceptions from time to time. It is curious that even at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, the creation of consumer amphibious cars was regarded as one of the top areas for the development of the entire industry. The projects have not gone into mass production, but it does not mean that this segment cannot boast having decent cars. Another model called Mini Moke has been shown recently.

In fact, Mini Moke is not a completely new car. This beach buggy was created in 1964 and had been produced until 1993 when the production was canceled. Now, the French Lazareth engineering company is engaged in the release of a replica of the once popular amphibian.

The car is quite small and is designed for two people. Like the original, Mini Moke is easy to use and completely unpretentious. It does not require a lot of attention on the owner’s part. Servicing the car is not very difficult. The buggy can be driven by land and on water; the car does not face any difficulties in moving on wet sand and other surfaces.

Mini Moke is powered by a four-valve engine, and its maximum speed of movement overland reaches 90 km/h, while on water the amphibious car accelerates to 13 km/h, or 7 knots. When on water, the vehicle is set in motion due to the built-in propeller. The transition between the land and sea modes is instantaneous.

It should be noted separately that Mini Moke has an aluminum body. The car is floating on water due to the cells, filled with special foam. According to French designers, the car is also incredibly well protected against rust.