Flying Car by Terrafugia Inc.

Flying cars are a fantastic dream of the mankind, which global giants of the automotive industry have been trying to realize for almost a century. Chevrolet has managed to do this only in the commercial video of their new Chevi Sonic car, but the Terrafugia Inc. Company has, in fact, fulfilled this dream. The car, created in Massachusetts, will be demonstrated at the annual New York International Auto Show.

A unique model with the working title Transition has wings, which are folded and unfolded in a matter of 30 seconds by pressing just one button. With its tank full, the car can travel the distance of 700 kilometers by air at the speed of 180 kilometers per hour. It is expected that the car will go on sale until the end of the year, and its estimated cost is 279,000 dollars. Note that the potential buyers have already booked 100 flying cars.


The flying car has been approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for use on the road; in addition, this model is provided with special benefits as a road aircraft concept. The Federal Aviation Administration has also issued a special permit for flying in this wonderful car and has classified it as a light sport aircraft. The Terrafugia Inc. Company carried out all the necessary tests to ensure the complete safety of its new model. Since the manufacturer classifies this product as primarily an aerial vehicle, they have approached the question of security seriously: the replacement of standard glass with polycarbonate is intended to protect the driver from collisions with birds, and its tires that are heavier than automotive ones can withstand landing.