Driverless E-Racing Car Roborace

Roborace, the first racing car of the future, has been presented recently. This machine is controlled by artificial intelligence without any human intervention, and it does not even have a place for the driver.

The Roborace concept uses electric traction and is controlled by artificial intelligence.

This is the creation of the former Bugatti and Volkswagen engineer Daniel Simon, who joined the Roborace project as chief designer.

This car will participate in the championship of driverless vehicles initiated by the FIA and held on Formula-E race tracks. This series will include ten teams presenting two cars each.

Although the cars look the same, the teams will compete, using computational algorithms of the artificial intelligence technology in real time.

Simon cooperated with race engineers, intending to bring Roborace to life as part of the series of demonstration races according to the rules of Formula-E in 2017. Except racing, Simon worked at designing films Oblivion and Tron: Legacy, as well as creating drones, motorcycles, spaceships and Le Mans cars.

Simon admitted that his goal was the creation of a vehicle that would be able to make full use of its capabilities without a driver and preserve its high performance level. Racing and aerodynamics engineers have worked with him from the very beginning in order to get this balance.

Roborace is both competition and entertainment. Though it is quite unusual in the today’s world of racing, beauty was also very high on the agenda, and the engineers worked hard to combine the best performance with a stunning design. It was important for them because they formed a significant downforce without unnecessary details, thus maintaining a clean and neat appearance.

Denis Sverdlov, Roborace CEO, described the new series as “gaming, motorsport, technology and entertainment in one package.” The racing series that is being created is aimed to provide a competitive platform for stand-alone solutions, which are currently under development.