Intelligent Gun Smart 2

A unique system that will reduce the number of accidents and crimes committed with firearms has been developed in the USA. Now, to shoot a gun, you have to enter the password.

Carrying weapons is legalized in very few countries, and the brightest example of this is, of course, the United States. One can argue about whether this is good or bad, but the fact remains – the weapon requires great responsibility. And, as is often the case, things that require great responsibility cause accidents and crimes.

For years, people have been dreaming to create a weapon with a high level of security. For example, to make a gun that would recognize your fingerprints or DNA. Unfortunately, even today, such projects are almost impossible. That is why a group of American enthusiasts decided to start with something simpler.


A year ago, the United States launched a project called Smart 2. As a result, they created two versions of guns with a built-in panel for entering a PIN-Code. As you can guess, it is an additional fuse. The password on the weapon should be from 3 to 5 characters. If the password is not entered, the trigger will be blocked.

Importantly, Smart system 2 has two further important functions. First, the lock will be activated automatically after a few hours of downtime. Secondly, the alarm is triggered if you enter the PIN incorrectly.

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The latter will be particularly useful for those who have small children at home.

The only major drawback of Smart 2 is its battery. Though it lasts for a few months, the lock becomes absolutely useless when the battery runs low. You can replace it only with a professional’s help.