Print Photos from Smartphone Instantly with Prynt

In the good old days, people went on vacation with a 12 or 24-frame film and had to carefully choose each angle to take a successful picture. Now, history repeats itself. The Prynt company has created a special device that can instantly print photos from your mobile phone. You don’t even need the ink!

The managers of the Prynt company think that since every smartphone is equipped with a pretty decent camera, users can make hundreds of photos. Later, they never browse these pictures and certainly do not print them. They remembered the old Polaroid camera, which allowed doing snapshots, and decided to try to create the same application for the phone.

The device looks like a plump bag with two divisions. One is for the phone itself to be inserted, and the second stores special paper. The image is applied by means of thermal printing, so you do not need any containers with ink and should not be afraid that someone will have green hair or yellow faces just because you have run out of the needed paint, when printing other images. One pack contains 50 plates for photos, and they can be bought separately.

The device does not work with all phones now, but the engineers are trying to remove this limitation. In the meantime, such a pleasure is available to the owners of iPhone 6s, 6, 5s, 5c, 5, as well as Samsung Galaxy S5 and S4 smartphones. The device also includes an application which will enable applying a variety of filters to the photos; you will be able to use labels, frames and other “trifles”.

In addition, each photo is automatically supported with a short video to remind the user of the circumstances when the photo was taken: