E-Skin Clothes of the Future

Xenoma Team, a company of modest size, has created a curious E-skin T-shirt, allowing to monitor each movement of the owner. The gadget has diverse areas of application: training, treatment, recreation and so on. E-skin clothes have built-in flexible sensors. With their help, the muscle and body movements are controlled. The position in space is monitored by the module mounted on the chest level and equipped with a gyroscope and an accelerometer.

Machine wash does not harm this device in any way. It can be worn just as the clothes we are accustomed to and is distinguished by lightness, subtlety, and stretching capacity.

There is a chance that the intelligent clothing will become an alternative to everyday items. With its help, people will be able to control games, plunging into virtual reality and communicating there with usual gestures. E-skin can be used to treat people and control their posture. This gadget is also useful in sports, especially if you need to monitor the accuracy of movements, for example, in gymnastics, running or during weightlifting.

You can connect E-skin via Bluetooth to any device running on Android or Windows. In near future, iOS and macOS will be supported. Nowadays, however, the device does not really perform well with games. The video test demonstrates a slowdown in tracking movements, which is about a second, and that is too much!

E-skin is not a cheap outfit. The cost of the basic option on Kickstarter is $479. The first customers will most likely receive the ordered copies in December this year. In addition, the startup offers everyone access to the E-skin code to create new ways of using T-shirts in Java, Visual C#, Unity and Unreal Engine for MacOS and iOS. It is also possible to work with the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) for interaction with Microsoft HoloLens.