ZEUS, a God among 3D Copy Machines

3D equipment is what we all have been waiting for: 3D scanners and printers help us recreate what is almost real-life objects and inspire us to unheard-of creative summits.

But it is not so simple. Almost all 3D printers will do their stuff perfectly only after careful tweaking, and they need constant manual maintenance. Can we get a reliable machine without going through all that trouble?

Here’s ZEUS, a new 3D copy helper, designed to circumvent all these difficulties. With 5 years of designing behind it, the 3D printer can also work as a 3D scanner and a 3D fax machine to send images to other printers. It’s the first 3D three-in-one combine set for all sorts of 3D tasks!

Apart from that, ZEUS is easy to control. It features a plug-and-play user interface and a 7” touchscreen, whereby you print out your desired image from the scanner or the fax with one touch. An auto-bed leveling system is installed to take care that the 3D printed image comes off all right even if the print surface is not even enough.

ZEUS seems to be aptly named regarding its position among tabletop 3D printing machines. The Kickstarter campaign is due in less than a month, but the miraculous machine has already exceeded its supposed funding sum of $100,000. The ZEUS project page will give you enough info about its specs and let you order one for around $2,500. Not cheap, but if it is what they lead us to believe – and compared with other machines like MakerBot’s Replicator 2 ($2,200) or the Digitizer ($1,400) – you may think it’s worth it, after all.


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