Wearable Devices for Sports & Health Tracking

The technological trends for 2014 include not only smart watches and other things, but the increase in the use of wearable devices in sports, tracking health and medicine. These devices help count burned calories and force the owner to move in the direction of a better life. They inform the doctor about the increasing sugar levels and blood pressure problems and perform other useful functions.


2013 – Nike + Fuelband SE. The bracelet keeps record of the made effort, hourly recalls about the need to move, supports the Bluetooth 4.0 service and can be connected to computers and smartphones. By the way, it shows time as well.


2013 – Jawbone UP24. Its uniqueness lies in the fact of tracking the sleep phases with the help of a smart alarm clock: it will wake you up in the phase of light sleep. If you stick to the timetable, it is an essential thing.


The “smart” device developed by Oregon Scientific changes and analyzes various aspects of the physical condition and provides the optimum solution for the reorganization of the owner’s lifestyle. It is used with Android- or iOS-based smartphones.


Smart watches

2011 – MOTOACTV fitness watch. It is equipped with a 600 MHz processor, 256MB of memory, 8/16 GB of internal storage, ANT+, BT 4, WiFi b/g/n/, GPS. This watch is an independent device, which was originally created as an application to an Android-based smartphone. It has been designed for athletes.


Augmented Reality Glasses

Google Glasses are no surprise, since they are not the only ones. Analysts foretell a great future for this type of gadgets in medicine – for example, they will allow the nurse to find the best vein thanks to the system of showing veins and capillaries.

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Seiko Epson has introduced one of Google Glass competitors – Moverio BT- 200 glasses. Their release is scheduled for March 2014, and pre-order is available at the price of $ 699. Manufacturers expect the device to be successful in the gaming industry and in medicine.



Other devices

A lens that will measure glucose is being developed in X Google. It is a useful thing for people with diabetes – they will not have to constantly prick their finger.


Intel has introduced earphones with the built-in heart rate monitor at CES 2014. They can choose the music tracks according to the owner’s heart rate. You can set your target heart rate for training – and the earphones will select the music you want.



Pedometers developed, were equipped with Bluetooth and learned to consider not only the steps, but also calories. They began to show results on the smartphone screen. Fitness button Shine can be seen in the picture.


Scanadu Scout is one of the expected devices in 2014. Applying a miniature sensor to different parts of the body, you can learn about yourself almost everything you need for sports and health monitoring: pulse, temperature, blood oxygen levels, pressure, respiratory rates, ECG and the level of emotional stress. Instead of the required $100,000, the project has already collected $1.6 million on Indiegogo.com. The delivery should start in March.


This laser scanner TellSpec will tell you what is in your food. Point it to a dish and you will be given a list of ingredients that you will see in the application on the smartphone. When you open any ingredient, the application displays the information about it. The product has already raised more than $380,000 on Indiegogo.




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