Samsung Launches Terabyte SSD

Not long ago a SSD seemed expensive exotics for “the chosen” only. In fact, not very reliable drives used to be sold at extremely high prices that deterred an average buyer.

Now not only elite laptops and desktop PCs, but also reasonably priced models, and even some cheap laptops/netbooks are equipped with SSD. SSD is becoming more popular, widespread and therefore more affordable. Lately, the Samsung corporation has introduced a range of SSDs with the memory space up to a terabyte. These drives are positioned as “SSD for everyone”.

The model range is called SSD 840 EVO, and it was created by the 10-nm technology class. This allowed to produce new SSD models twice as fast as the previous generation of drives with recording speeds up to 520 MB/s (250GB 840 EVO SSD). The junior model, 120GB 840 EVO SSD, has a recording speed of 410 MB/s, which is three times faster than the previous-generation SSD of a similar memory space.

As for the older model, 1TB 840 EVO SSD, the speed of reading/recording is also rather high, 540 and 520 MB/s respectively. As for the price, none of these is as expensive as before. The price range is as follows:

  • 120GB SSD – $ 109.99,
  • 250GB – $ 189.99,
  • 500GB – $ 369.99,
  • 750GB – $ 529.99
  • 1TB – $ 649.99.

The new SSD will be available in August.


Of course, hard drives of similar memory space are much cheaper, but they are not as fast. At the presentation of the new SSD model Samsung said that SSDs are the devices of tomorrow. Why? Well, they are thin and light; they can be integrated into many mobile devices, netbooks, and laptops. A SSD is always ready to work, consumes less energy than a hard drive, and has no moving parts.

Everything is logical and understandable. We are only to wait until the cost of SSD equals the price of high-capacity hard drives.


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