JumpDrive F35 Fingerprint USB Drive

Almost all smartphones today, even cheap ones, are equipped with a fingerprint reader. Laptops are only beginning to incorporate this technology, but they can only protect what is stored on the computer. Your data on external hard drives and USB flash drives is still easily accessible unless it has been further encrypted. However, the latest Lexar USB drive protects files with the help of fingerprints.

JumpDrive F35 can use fingerprints to provide access only to authorized users, in case of a lost flash drive or, worse, a theft. It can support up to 10 fingerprints, which is twice as many as in most smartphones. If this is not enough, you can encrypt data using 256-bit AES.

You may think that such a flash drive will be very difficult to use. Lexar says no. On connecting, you need to give the gadget a second to recognize the fingerprint. No special software is required, at least, on the computer on which the flash drive will be used. Naturally, you need Lexar to pre-set your fingerprints. Data transfer rate is 150 MB /sec.

The Lexar JumpDrive F35 has a capacity ranging from 32 to 128 GB. The price is $ 32.99 (32 GB), $ 49.99 (64 GB), and $ 89.99 (128 GB). The 256 GB version is going on sale for $ 69.99 this quarter.