New Headset Device Edge Will Make Your Brain More Efficient

The Edge device grants people with ingenious abilities, though for a short period of time. For this purpose, a special bandage is worn on the head. The development of a California-based Humm startup allows you to temporarily improve memory and the ability to concentrate.

This effect is achieved through non-invasive stimulation of the brain – electrical discharges affect the anterior cortex, where there are brain areas responsible for learning and memory. The device must be worn for a quarter of an hour for effect. The user will feel the influence of the gadget for at least an hour afterward. Besides the fact that for some time a person becomes much smarter, his psyche becomes more resistant to stressful situations. The creator of this headset, Ian McIntyref, assures that electrical stimulation helps a person master new skills that will remain even when Edge is removed.


Such stimulations have been tested for 20 years, they are actively used in the treatment of depression and insomnia. Tests have shown the absolute safety of the device. Of course, the gadget can expand the capabilities of the brain, but knowing that the body is a fairly complete system, it is difficult to say whether it will affect the performance of other organs. While the invention is especially popular among students, the price, of course, is quite high. The device will cost about $500.