TheGodThings PrinCube Prints onto Any Surface

Universal miniaturization has reached classical bulky devices like printers. TheGodThings developers have created an innovative PrinCube printer that does not fit into the usual ideas about printers as huge and slow devices. In addition to the compact body, the printer is adapted to print on virtually any surface, including human skin.

The device is made in the parallelepiped form factor, with the size of the sides 72 x 51 x 68 mm. The image can be applied both traditionally on paper, and on wood, metal, plastic, textiles and other materials with a solid surface. Printing on human skin can be classified as temporary tattoos, and the process of applying a picture to the body is completely harmless and does not cause pain or inconvenience to the owner.

PrinCube can be refilled with either standard color or permanent ink. One cartridge charge is enough to print images and text in a resolution of 1200 dpi, up to 415 pages. An offline mode is supported by the battery and provides up to 6 hours on a single charge, which is carried out using USB Type-C.

The project was presented at the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform and, two weeks before the completion of the project, it had already raised over $2.3 million instead of the $10,000 necessary for the launch. The price of the device when pre-ordering at the site is $99. After the start of retail sales scheduled for November, the price will increase to $199. The pre-ordered cartridge pricing is $39.