Tap Strap Wearable Keyboard

Enthusiasts have invented a new funny device that might be able to completely replace computer keyboard from the market one day. The new device is easy to use and very productive, but most importantly it is mobile.


Since mobile devices have become very widespread, the question has arisen about how to use them together with the usual devices for entering information, such as the keyboard. Perhaps everyone has had their own experience of typing text on a touch screen, and it proves to be not very convenient. Of course, there are all a few kinds of portable keyboards on the today’s market, but they are far from being user-friendly.


What can come in handy is the innovative wearable keyboard called Tap Strap and developed by the enthusiasts. This is not brass knuckles as one might think at first sight. However, it is worn on the hand and really looks like brass knuckles. What does Tap Strap do? Everything is very simple. The device scans finger moves and allows you to type text on any mobile device. The gadgets running on Android, iOS, Mac and Windows operating systems are currently supported. The relationship between the input device and the mobile (or not very mobile) gadget is established via a Bluetooth connection.


Tap Strap is powered by a small lithium-ion battery. According to the creators, a full charge is enough for 72 hours of active performance. The device can be used for a variety of purposes, such as surfing the Internet, texting in Messenger, typing etc.

It is not difficult to manage Tap Strap. As the video suggests, all manipulations are carried out with only one finger. The creators of the device claim that this method of entering information is much more reliable than voice input, or even the input method involving gestures. To learn how to use this device one will have to take a short course, which will teach you all the combinations of “drawing” letters with the help of interactive games. It will take about an hour to learn all the letters.