Smallest Bluetooth Earbuds Charged by a Smartphone

The Kickstarter crowdfunding site has launched a campaign aimed at raising funds for mass production of wireless PUGZ earbuds. The unique feature of the suggested accessory is that it is charged by a smartphone.


According to the authors of the project, such a system is unique on the market. This functionality is very useful and will be admired by those who enjoy listening to music or audiobooks and watching videos without attracting the attention of other people both while traveling and during workouts. To charge the Bluetooth earbuds from a smartphone, you will need a specially designed Squircle cable, which is included in the PUGZ set. It is equipped with a magnetic connector and is compatible with USB and Lightning.



The charging time is about 1 hour. After a single charge, the earbuds can function up to 4.5 hours in a row or stay in the standby time for 10 days. The accessory is compatible with mobile gadgets based on Android, Windows, Blackberry and iOS (iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 6 smartphones and all iPads). Pre-ordered PUGZ Bluetooth earbuds will cost $99.


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