Smart Voice Recorder Senstone

Miniature Senstone gadget is a voice recorder, which can be worn as a pendant, clip/brooch or bracelet and can record important thoughts after the user clicks on its case. Two built-in noise-canceling microphones record voices without extraneous noises, after which a Bluetooth device transmits the recording to an Android or iOS-based smartphone.

17 white LED lights are placed on the front side of the accessory under a dark glass. They turn on, when the device is being used or charged. A built-in battery allows using Senstone for 4 days, and its memory can store up to two hours of voice notes, which will be transmitted to the mobile application as soon as the opportunity arises.

According to the developers, the smart Senstone jewelry is more convenient to use than a standard recorder, a smartphone app or an old-fashioned notebook with a pen. The new item will cost $120, if pre-ordered on Kickstarter.