Recon Jet, a Google Glass Competitor

News and rumors about another Google Glass’ competitor is constantly circulating in the web. In today’s article we will talk about one of them, which will soon go on sale. Gadget Recon Jet on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean can really do much.

Not much time is left before the release of the commercial version of the Google Glass gadget. An increased interest in this unusual device arose even before the first public demonstration of its functions, and reached its peak after the delivery of the first test batches to happy owners.

The Jet device, developed by Recon Instruments and presented this year at the Google I/O conference, has a good chance to get to the shelves even earlier than Google Glass, and to be competitive in its functionality.

Unlike Google Glasses, Recon Jet looks more massive and even a little rough, weighing 60 grams. Inside there is a dual-core processor, a graphics chip, Wi-Fi module, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS-receiver and a set of sensors, including a gyroscope, accelerometer, thermometer, altimeter, and a magnetometer.


During the presentation of the gadget last month, the developers paid attention to the wide range of Recon Jet’s applications. For example, athletes may use the glasses to see more information about the workouts. For this purpose, in particular, the ANT+ technology is used, by which the device communicates with sports equipment.

Moreover, the gadget can be used by doctors to monitor the patient’s condition during surgery.

And these are not all the features of Recon Jet. Recon Instruments have recently released a set of SDK, through which third-party developers can now integrate Recon Jet in their applications and, thus, extend the scope of these glasses. By the way, the gadget is already running the latest mobile operating system, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.


The device is equipped with a camera that can record video at a resolution of 1280×720 and take photos, just like Google Glass. Users can immediately upload photos to Facebook, using their phone as an access point.

Recon Jet has a modular design, which means that the owner of the gadget can quickly replace lenses or the battery if it is exhausted. At the same time, the glasses can be used in any season and weather.


When a user looks at the screen, he sees it approximately the same as a 14-inch screen at a distance of five feet. For comparison, the Google Glass screen is equivalent to a 25-inch monitor from a distance of 2.4 meters.

Recon Jet will come on sale later this year, but it is doubted to become a strong rival of Google portable computers.


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