Panasonic Wear Space Mutes Your Loud Colleagues

Panasonic Wear Space is an anti-distracting mask designed to allow open-office office workers and teleworkers to focus on their work without paying attention to what’s happening around them.

Initially, open offices were designed to facilitate communication and cooperation among colleagues. However, the reverse side of this increasingly popular concept is that it also distracts attention from the working process. Indeed, it is very difficult for many to remain productive and focused when people around are chatting or flirting.

To fix this problem, Panasonic has developed Wear Space that is wrapped around the user’s head to reduce their field of vision to 60°. The same principle applies to the equipment of racehorses so that they keep running forward. In addition to blocking visual distractions, Wear Space also has a built-in wireless audio recorder equipped with noise reduction technology and Bluetooth. One USB charging is enough for twenty hours of listening if you like to work to your favorite music.

Thus, the accessory provides real portable personal space to remain in the professional context in all circumstances.


The accessory was designed by Kunihiko Morinaga and first introduced at the SXSW 2018 festival in March this year. Now it’s offered on the Japanese crowdfunding site, GreenFunding, for around $ 270.