Omron’s Ping Pong Robot

The Japanese Omron company, known worldwide as a manufacturer of medical equipment, suggested playing ping-pong with its advanced robot at the ongoing CEATEC-2015 exhibition.


Last year, the machine for playing ping-pong made a sensational appearance and won the Grand Prix at a similar exhibition. An updated robot is now more responsive to the rival’s movements and reacts to the ball better. It is equipped with a new computer, two difficulty levels of the game and an interactive gaming table, equipped with motion sensors. The table for tennis is also a display that shows the trajectory of a ball and the recommended area from which a person can perform the best hit. Thus, the robot is not only a gaming partner, but also a kind of coach.

As the developers say, it analyzes the game every 0.001 seconds, assessing the opponent’s situation, the force of hitting the ball and its trajectory and is able to return the ball in such a way that the person can continue. The video below can help you evaluate how the game takes place.


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