New Gaming Mouse Ragnok Mousegun Imitates a Gun

For computer players who are fond of first-person shooters, the main weapon is the mouse and key combinations. Such a “weapon” does not correspond to reality, which gave Ragnok developers an opportunity to create a gadget that brings players as close as possible to real fighting.

Desert Eagle pistol is the prototype for the Mousegun. According to the developers, the mouse controller best matches reality. However, the mouse has no trunk and looks like a joystick. The main button is located in the front, on the top of the gadget; the second button is slightly below and is considered the analog of the right mouse button. The scroll wheel is located at the top rear of the device. Mousegun movements are tracked by moving across the surface, as in the traditional computer mouse. The sensor has a sensitivity of 3200 dpi.

The gadget can also be used to work at the computer, relieving tension from the user’s wrist. Mousegun runs on an 800 mAh battery. The price of Ragnok Mousegun will be $118, but on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, you can order it for $59.